

Trump’s “America First” rhetoric could significantly impact the region, potentially creating an opening for Europeans to strengthen their ties and influence
The impact of Trump’s re-election for Latin America

Análisis de la IA en LATAM, destacando desafíos éticos y oportunidades para su implementación.
Inteligencia Artificial: Potenciando el futuro de América Latina y el caribe

Fraude electoral en Venezuela: tecnología expone la verdad oculta en las urnas
Fraude electoral en Venezuela

The Colombian Case: A New Path for Developing Countries Addressing the Risks of Artificial intelligence.
The Colombian Case

Providing background information on IoT for policymakers and researchers, highlighting trends in its evolution.
IoT in LatAm & the Caribbean

The Colombian Case: adopting collaborative governance as a path for implementing ethical artificial intelligence.
Collaborative Governance

El argumento de que tenemos que elegir entre el crecimiento o la sostenibilidad medioambiental ha quedado totalmente obsoleto.
La Simbiosis del Futuro